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Cake Topper Paintball / Paintball Wedding Cake Topper / Groom Playing Paintball Cake Topper

Wedding Cake Toppers
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Groom Playing Paintball Bride Photographing Him Wedding Cake Toppers

Starting at: $308.00

Price Included: two custom figurines with background SKU: CC0342
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Groom Playing Paintball Bride Photographing Him Wedding Cake Toppers

Cake Toppers Paintball, Paintball Wedding Cake Toppers, Groom Playing Paintball Cake Toppers
This is a completely customized groom playing paintball bride photographing him wedding cake topper ordered by one of our customers.
No matter how hard we describe, we still can’t tell every detail of this topper. So we post their story and idea directly here, we believe you can figure out the true love in it. Thanks Tracy for sharing their great story and idea. Here it is.
Asian Male playing paintball, Caucasian female photographing him. Preferably if it have a sand base and maybe him kinda hiding behind a palm tree the way he is hiding behind the bunker. His favorite color is yellow so detail on his mask should be yellow, black paintball pants with yellow detail also. If you need pics of sample pants I can send them.
Me and my fiance Davey, met online though MySpace years and years before we met. We were just friends for the longest time and I had never thought to date him. I was randomly going to be in his city one night because I was catching a ride up north to go work in the oil fields in administration. We decided to go out as friends for some pho. (Vietnamese noodles) He was sooo funny. He made me laugh more than I have ever laughed since high school. It was such an enjoyable time. The next day I went up north to work and didn’t want to talk or even see him. The reason for this you ask? I didn’t want to get into any relationships. But no matter how hard I tried I kept thinking of him. I even blocked him from my MSN and hid my online status on other websites.
A month after working up north we got one week back in the city (it was a remote camp I was going to work in) I came back and well, he was here and I couldn’t stop thinking about him so I decided to unblock him from my MSN. Well within seconds we were talking to each other again. One thing led to another and well, we are here now. Best friends and getting married.
I want our wedding cake topper to be special for us. It is very difficult to find a cake topper that fits us because it would either have to be paintball and a camera or two computer geeks. (Prefer the paintball / camera) I will attach a couple pics of us. Also our dogs are a very big part of our life, so we would LOVE to have them part of our wedding and since we will be getting married on a cruise that just won’t be possible unless they are on the cake topper.
He will be in a tuxedo and I will be in a ball gown type dress my hair will be in an updo. The camera I would like it to look like I am holding would be a Canon EOD 60D I attached a pic of my two cameras.
Thank you very much!!!
Tracy Gabriel
Wedding Cake Toppers

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H1-Brown Black


H3-Dark Brown



H6-Dark Grey

H7-Light Brown


H9-Red Brown

H10-Light Blond


H12-Med Blond

H13-Dark Blond


SK01-Light Asian

SK02-Medium Asian

SK03-Pinkish Pale

SK04-Light Caucasian

SK05-Dark Hispanic

SK06-Light Hispanic

SK07-Medium Hispanic

SK08-Dark African

SK09-Light African

SK10-Medium African

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