Buy cake toppers and wedding cake toppers here

Wedding Cake Toppers Cake Tops & Figurines Personalized Gifts Private Policy

Wedding Cake Toppers
Customized Cake Toppers & Gifts
Turn Your Photo Into Figurines
Made To Look Like You

Private Policy

Private Policy
At, we recognize your right to Internet privacy and security. The information that you provide to us will only be used solely for our purposes, to gather information about you so that we might be able to further personalize our service to you as well as customize our services in order to serve you better. We guarantee that the information we have about you will not be sold, rented, or exchanged for benefits to other companies. We may, however, use third parties to aid us in providing great service to you, such as payment processing, mail delivery and fulfilling of orders etc. If in the necessary event that your personal information is provided to third parties, we assure you that such information will be handled in the strictest confidence. We are committed to protecting your privacy and to ensure your online transaction is secure. The information you provide when you register to buy custom made figurine online is held on a secure server. This ensures no unauthorized access to your details. This information is used to take payment and to process and fulfill your order.
Please take a look at our FAQ's in Table of Information right here. These should help you find the additional information you require.
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